mop & drake oct'06
Here we are in Drake's room at my house. He calls it the clock room because there are 2 clocks in there and he is fascinated by clocks. He says the word really well, too. I'm not sure why he was looking so serious in this photo--he likes playing in that room and he also likes checking out any photos I take with him around. He can't quite make the camera let him look at different photos, but he likes to comment on the people and places he sees in the little screen on the back. Some of the comments are even in English I can understand. He talks all the time! Very cute.
All this to avoid writing of the worry I feel as we go to a court date next week to find out about custody of Drake. Neither S nor A can have unsupervised visits with him currently. I'm hoping a judge will undo the craziness of keeping him from being cared from by S. A's in no shape to be a mom and she seems aware of that. I saw her briefly yesterday. She's very thin. She avoided my eyes and wouldn't have spoken to me at all if I hadn't pointedly said hello. She was happy to see a slightly shy Drake who smiled and played with the mother he hasn't seen for a couple of weeks... She has moved in with a guy--P--and admits to her mother she's doing cocaine. I can't help wondering if she admits to that if there isn't more going on...
All this to avoid writing of the worry I feel as we go to a court date next week to find out about custody of Drake. Neither S nor A can have unsupervised visits with him currently. I'm hoping a judge will undo the craziness of keeping him from being cared from by S. A's in no shape to be a mom and she seems aware of that. I saw her briefly yesterday. She's very thin. She avoided my eyes and wouldn't have spoken to me at all if I hadn't pointedly said hello. She was happy to see a slightly shy Drake who smiled and played with the mother he hasn't seen for a couple of weeks... She has moved in with a guy--P--and admits to her mother she's doing cocaine. I can't help wondering if she admits to that if there isn't more going on...