Sunday, March 20, 2005

Drake dropped by work with his parents...

We were about to close the bookstore and I was bustling around trying to get all the last minute stuff taken care of. I looked up and there were S, A & Drake! My whole day immediately got so much better! I got to show Drake to a couple of my co-workers and do a little bit of cuddling. It was great. Nice end to a busy sale Sunday.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Drake arrives 3/11/05

Originally uploaded by ex posto facto.
Here's a picture of the first time I got to hold my grandson. You can see how thrilled we both are (??!). Well, I am...Drake's still working out what it's all about to breathe air and stuff like that.

Monday, March 14, 2005

what a kid!

Originally uploaded by ex posto facto.
Here's one of the very first pictures of Drake, taken by his dad right after his birth.

My only grandbaby

This little guy was born on March 11 at 3:48 a.m. Labor went on for a long time (poor A!) and we were all so happy to see Drake show up. He was alert and sociable, so tiny but so concious! I looked into his tiny face and thought "Ok, little guy. Whatever I can do or give you, you've got it." I'm in love.